Parents, There is a chance of snow this coming Friday Morning (Jan. 10). IF school is cancelled we will notify you via our all call system.
about 2 months ago, Mark Mooney
Please follow this link to find information regarding upcoming traffic pattern changes on Clark Rd.
4 months ago, Dr. David Hopkins
Attention Parents, If your child has medication in the nurse's office, it will need to be picked up and signed out by you before or by the last day of school May 22 at 1:00 PM. Medication cannot be sent home with the student and must be signed out by the parent or gaurdian. All medications remaining in the nurse's station will be disposed of on the last day of school through the "Take Back Program" in conjuction with local police. This includes, but is not limited to, all oral medications, inhalers, Epi pens, etc. If you have any questions you may call the school nurse at 479-979-6003
10 months ago, Mark Mooney
All Clarksville School facilities will be closed to everyone over the eclipse weekend and on eclipse day, Monday, April 8th. All the districts’ parking lots will also be closed and not available to the public or employees. We are doing this out of an abundance of caution and to avoid possible issues in resuming school on Tuesday. The district will announce via the text messaging system if school will be closed Tuesday. Otherwise, classes will only be closed on Monday, April 8th, and normal operations will resume on Tuesday, April 9th.
11 months ago, Dr. David Hopkins
Debido a la posibilidad de condiciones climáticas severas esta tarde, todas las actividades extracurriculares y las conferencias de padres y maestros de K-5 para el Distrito Escolar de Clarksville se posponen. Los maestros contactarán a los padres de K-5 para discutir el progreso de su hijo/a y programar las conferencias necesarias. La escuela terminará a las 3:30 hoy como de costumbre. Agradecemos su comprensión mientras hacemos todo lo posible para mantener seguros a todos nuestros estudiantes, personal y padres.
12 months ago, Chase Carter
Due to the possibility of severe weather this evening, all afterschool activities, and K-5 Parent Teacher Conferences for the Clarksville School District are being postponed. Teachers will contact K-5 parents to discuss your child's progress and schedule necessary conferences. School will dismiss at 3:30 today as normal. Thank you for your understanding as we do our best to keep all of our students, staff, and parents safe.
12 months ago, Chase Carter
Parents, FYI - Athletic Admission
over 1 year ago, Mark Mooney
Attention Parents Clarksville School District Athletic Pass Policy- - Passes will be given to all Clarksville School District students in grades 6-12 to enter Clarksville home athletic events free of charge. The pass must be presented at the gate for admission. - Clarksville School District students in grades K-5 may enter Clarksville home athletic events free of charge, but they must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or other adult to enter. Students in grades K-5 may not be left at the event. - Students in grades 6-12 may attend without an adult. - Any student who exits the event must pay to return. - Free student admission only applies to Clarksville School District students at home games. Students from other districts must pay admission. - This policy shall become effective at the first home basketball game on 11/06/2023. - There will be no refunds or exchanges for passes which have previously been purchased
over 1 year ago, Mark Mooney
We need substitute teachers and paraprofessionals at CPS!
over 1 year ago, Mark Mooney
KS for FB 10-30-23
Parents, Now that the weather has turned cold, please do not send students to school in shorts, tanktops or sandals. Thank You, Mr. Mooney
over 1 year ago, Mark Mooney
Dear Parents, We'd like to inform you that there will be a homecoming parade tomorrow on Friday, October 13th, starting at around 2:00 PM. The parade route will pass through our car rider line, and we want to ensure that you are aware of a few logistical changes for that day. For the safety and smooth flow of the parade, parents of car riders will not be able to line up to pick up students until after 2:30 PM. If you arrive before 2:30, we kindly request that you find parking in designated parking areas rather than lining up in the car rider line. After the parade has passed through, you will be free to line up for student pick-up as usual. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we celebrate this exciting event. Thank you for your support, and we look forward to a fun-filled homecoming parade!
over 1 year ago, Mark Mooney
Parents, if your student doesn't have a water bottle, it's advisable to provide one for them. Given the high temperatures, they will be permitted to stay hydrated by having water during bus rides.
over 1 year ago, Mark Mooney
Dear Kindergarten Parents, We are excited to invite you to our Kindergarten Open House event this Thursday. Please take note of the following details: Date: This Thursday Open House Times: 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM: Mrs. Isely, Mrs. Petersen, Mrs. Smith 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM: Mrs. Hogrefe, Ms. Davis, Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Keech 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM: Mrs. Syfert, Mrs. Wilhelms, Mrs. Petersen, Mrs. Madewell, Mrs. Birdsong We kindly request that you plan to stay for the entire duration of your scheduled open house session. Unlike the first grade, the Kindergarten open house is not a drop-in event. This will provide you with ample time to connect with your child's teachers, get acquainted with the classroom environment, and learn more about our Kindergarten program. We look forward to welcoming you and sharing this valuable opportunity to engage with your child's educational experience. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.
over 1 year ago, Mark Mooney
Parents, Please see this important message: School Start Time: Instruction at Clarksville Primary School will begin at 8:10 AM this year, which is 10 minutes earlier than last year's start time of 8:20 AM. Breakfast and Drop-off Times: Car Riders: Students who are car riders should be at school no later than 7:45 AM to have enough time to eat breakfast before the start of the school day. Bus Riders: Students who ride the bus will arrive at school at 7:40 AM. It's crucial for parents and guardians to ensure that their children arrive at the appropriate times to avoid any disruptions to their learning and to help them start their day on a positive note. If you have any further questions or if there's anything else you'd like to know, please feel free to ask by emailing
over 1 year ago, Mark Mooney
Parents: Please see attached information concerning school lunches.
over 1 year ago, Mark Mooney
Attention Kindergarten Parents: As we prepare for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year, we kindly remind you to ensure that your child's immunization records and any necessary Dr. orders are up to date. These records, along with kindergarten physicals, should be turned in to your building Nurse on either August 8th or 10th during the Open House event. Alternatively, you may drop them off at the CPS office before that date. State law mandates that all students starting kindergarten must have completed immunizations and a school physical within 30 days of the school year commencing. To verify if your child has the required immunizations, we recommend checking with the health department where your child receives vaccinations or consulting your primary care doctor. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our building Nurse via email: (during the summer) or by phone: 479-979-6003 after August 7. We sincerely appreciate your cooperation in ensuring the health and safety of all our students. We look forward to warmly welcoming back your children to an exciting new school year!
over 1 year ago, Mark Mooney
Our teachers our training hard, in The Science of Reading this summer! In this paticular training we are focusing on making sure our small group lessons match the Science of Reading. I am proud of our teachers for the hard work they have put in this summer and for their dedication to student acheivement!
over 1 year ago, Mark Mooney
teacher training
Parents: A couple of important dates coming up: July 28- Class lists posted after 4:00 PM August 8 - First Grade Open House 2-6PM drop in anytime between 2 & 6 August 10- Kindergarten Open House during the school day. Time is dependent on teacher. Parents will receive a letter in the mail from their teacher with time.
over 1 year ago, Mark Mooney
ATTENTION PARENTS OF INCOMING KINDERGARTENERS FOR THE 23-24 SCHOOL YEAR: If you have not already done so, please come to Clarksville Primary School between the hours of 8:30-3:00 to enroll your child in kindergarten if your child will be five years of age on or before August 1, 2023. You will receive a registration packet to complete in our office. You will need to bring your child’s shot record, birth certificate, social security card, and proof of residency (electric or other bill with your address). It is very important that you enroll your child in kindergarten as soon as possible. On Friday, April 28, the kindergarten teachers will be screening students who do not attend a daycare. The Jump Start Program will be July 17-28 for incoming kindergarten students. The deadline to enroll your child in the Jump Start Program is Friday, April 28.
almost 2 years ago, Mark Mooney
KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!! Clarksville Primary School Kindergarten registration for the 2023-2024 school year is this week, April 10-14!! If your child attends a daycare in Clarksville, we will coordinate the registration process through them. If your child does not attend a local daycare in Clarksville, please to come to the Clarksville Primary School between the hours of 8:30-3:00 this week to pick up a registration packet. Once the packet is filled out you will return it to the Primary School. We will need to make copies of the following documents for your student: 1. Shot record 2. Birth certificate, 3. Social Security card, and 4. Proof of residency in the Clarksville School District such as your electric bill or other bill with your name and address on it. We look forward to seeing you all and to enrolling the next group of Clarksville Panthers!
almost 2 years ago, Chase Carter