Please follow this link to find information regarding upcoming traffic pattern changes on Clark Rd.

Dear CMS Parents, scores for the annual state assessment taken in the Spring of 2024 have now been made available in the ATLAS Parent Portal for you to view. A letter was sent home with your child today with instructions for logging into the Parent Portal with each student's unique code. One side is a letter explaining the ATLAS Parent Portal and the other side is the Student Code for the Parent Portal. These codes will remain the same throughout the year and every year the child is in school.

Flu shots will be given at Clarksville Middle School on Wednesday October 9. The flu shot forms were sent home with students. If your child needs a form, they can pick one up in the office. Remember, only those students with the required completed paperwork (the signed ADH consent AND the school district FERPA consent) will be allowed to receive the flu vaccine.

Please remember that Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held at Clarksville Middle School this Thursday, September 26, from 3:30pm - 7:00pm. Conferences will be held in the Middle School Cafeteria. Everyone will need to enter through the doors on the North side of the building. (The side closest to Clark Road.)

Picture day is tomorrow (9/18) at Clarksville Middle School. All students and staff will have their picture taken. If you do not have your student's picture form and wish to order, you may do so by visiting mylifetouch.com with your Student ID or Picture Day ID: EVT3ZSJFR

Reminder of upcoming dates at Clarksville Middle School: Student schedules can be picked up on Tuesday July 30 and Wednesday July 31 from 8am to 3pm. Open House will be on Thursday August 8 from 2-6pm.

All Clarksville School facilities will be closed to everyone over the eclipse weekend and on eclipse day, Monday, April 8th. All the districts’ parking lots will also be closed and not available to the public or employees. We are doing this out of an abundance of caution and to avoid possible issues in resuming school on Tuesday. The district will announce via the text messaging system if school will be closed Tuesday. Otherwise, classes will only be closed on Monday, April 8th, and normal operations will resume on Tuesday, April 9th.

Debido a la posibilidad de condiciones climáticas severas esta tarde, todas las actividades extracurriculares y las conferencias de padres y maestros de K-5 para el Distrito Escolar de Clarksville se posponen. Los maestros contactarán a los padres de K-5 para discutir el progreso de su hijo/a y programar las conferencias necesarias. La escuela terminará a las 3:30 hoy como de costumbre. Agradecemos su comprensión mientras hacemos todo lo posible para mantener seguros a todos nuestros estudiantes, personal y padres.

Due to the possibility of severe weather this evening, all afterschool activities, and K-5 Parent Teacher Conferences for the Clarksville School District are being postponed. Teachers will contact K-5 parents to discuss your child's progress and schedule necessary conferences. School will dismiss at 3:30 today as normal. Thank you for your understanding as we do our best to keep all of our students, staff, and parents safe.

This is a reminder for everyone that Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held at CMS on Thursday February 15 from 3:30 - 7:00pm. Conferences will be held in the CMS cafeteria. Everyone will need to enter through the doors on the North side of the building. (The side closest to Clark Road.)

Reminder about flu shots. Flu shots will be given at Clarksville Middle School on Wednesday October 11. The flu shot forms were sent home with students. If your child did not receive a form, please contact the office or have your child stop by the office to pick one up.
Remember, only those students with the required completed paperwork (the signed ADH consent AND the school district FERPA consent) will be allowed to receive the flu vaccine.

Picture day is tomorrow (Wed 9/20) at CMS. All students and staff will have their picture taken. If you wish to order pictures, visit mylifetouch.com Picture Day ID: EVTKTQH68

This is a reminder for everyone that Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held at CMS tomorrow (Tuesday Sep 19) from 3:30 - 7:00pm. Conferences will be held in the CMS cafeteria. Everyone will need to enter through the doors on the North side of the building. (The side closest to Clark Road.)
There will also be an informational meeting about Smart Core Graduation requirements in the Fine Arts Auditorium at 5:30pm for any parents who wish to attend.

Clarksville Primary School Kindergarten registration for the 2023-2024 school year is this week, April 10-14!!
If your child attends a daycare in Clarksville, we will coordinate the registration process through them. If your child does not attend a local daycare in Clarksville, please to come to the Clarksville Primary School between the hours of 8:30-3:00 this week to pick up a registration packet. Once the packet is filled out you will return it to the Primary School. We will need to make copies of the following documents for your student: 1. Shot record 2. Birth certificate, 3. Social Security card, and 4. Proof of residency in the Clarksville School District such as your electric bill or other bill with your name and address on it. We look forward to seeing you all and to enrolling the next group of Clarksville Panthers!

ATU is inviting all kids to wear their school t-shirt to the game on February 18th to get in free.

No onsite instruction tomorrow, February 1. This will be AMI day 4.

Out of an abundance of caution Clarksville will not have onsite instruction tomorrow, Tuesday, January 31. Tomorrow will be AMI day 3. Please stay safe!

Due to the possibility of inclement weather Clarksville will not have onsite instruction today. This will be AMI day 2.

The USDA program that provided free meals for all students during COVID has ended. This means that families must apply and meet the qualifications for free/reduced meals or they will have to pay the full price for each meal. The district also receives important funding based on the number of students who qualify for free/reduced meals. These funds help provide vital services for our students such as after school tutoring, reading programs, etc. Please visit www.mymealtime.com to apply. Applications must be submitted before September 30 for the district to receive this funding.

For information regarding cafeteria menus please follow this link. https://csdar.nutrislice.com/